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Задайте вопросы к предложениям 1.he is a student 2. my black car was in the street yesterday 3. there are many childreen in the garden

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Ответы на вопрос:

1-is a he student ? 2-was my black car in the street yestetday ? 3- in the garden are many childreen ?

Is he a student? where was your black car yesterday? are there any children in the garden? or how many children are in the garden?

1.  in what century the national school of painting was created? -  в каком веке была создана национальная школа живописи?   2.  what genre influenced development of english painting?   -    какой жанр повлиял на развитие живописи? 3.  about what painting of centuries there is a speech in the text? -  о живописи каких веков идёт речь в тексте?   4.how called the famous flemish painter?   -  как звали известного фламандского живописца?  

Популярно: Английский язык