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Перевести этот текст. без переводчика. за то время, что собака живёт у профессора, между ними возникает крепкая дружба. паркер сильно привязывается к своему новому приятелю. каждый день хатико провожает хозяина до вокзала, когда тот отправляется на работу, а вечером приходит к вокзалу, чтобы встретить его. в один из дней профессор скоропостижно умирает на лекции в университете от сердечного приступа. не дождавшись хозяина, хатико продолжает приходить на станцию, не пропуская ни дня.

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Ответы на вопрос:

For the time that the dog lives with the professor, a strong friendship arises between them. parker is very much attached to his new friend. every day khachiko escorts the owner to the station, when he goes to work, and in the evening he comes to the station to meet him. one day, the professor suddenly dies at a lecture at the university from a heart attack. without waiting for the owner, hatiko continues to come to the station, not missing a single day.

last year my friends and i decided to go to the beach. we were going to swim and sunbathe. when we got to the beach there were a lot of people. literally, there was no place to put your blanket on. so, we took our clothes off and dived into the cold water. it was quite a mistake as it became evident later. the moment i was in the water i felt a spasm in my right leg. i tried to get to the surface, i was desperately forcing my body off the water. but when i finally got to the surface i started drowning. i was moving my hands disorderly trying to grip something or somebody around me. i couldn’t even scream first, i was just panicking. i was going down and up on and on until i finally screamed. i was screaming loudly and terribly hoping almost for nothing. however, suddenly somebody grabbed me. he was dragging me ashore trying to calm me down. i think everybody on the beach was pretty scared. people were greeting us happily. the only thing i was thinking about that moment was me telling my parents what happened. nothing scared me more.

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