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Напишите текст не перевод ! вот : you are going to give a talk about the importance of friendship for young people. план: 1. what benefits friendship gives to a person 2. how people become friends 3. how you met your best friend and what you like doing together

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Friendship-this is the most important thing that a person has and he should appreciate it. friendship helps a person to relieve stress, that is, in any grief or joy, you share with your friends your mood and, if necessary, they will help you.people become friends by accident. they can first meet somewhere, but they become friends after a while, not immediately.i met my friend just by accident. we gradually got used to each other until we became real friends. we often visit each other's homes, went out for a walk and love to talk and share their experiences.

Дружба дает счастье некоторым людям. некоторые люди от счастья и дружбы становятся доброй дружбой, дружелюбной, вам нужно заботиться, чтобы не пренебрегать ею, если у вас есть лучший друг или друг, и вы им доверяете, и им не нужно делать что-то, что вам нужно, чтобы расстроить жизнь долгое время, и вы найдете много друзей, которые будут верны вам и вам. friendship gives happiness to some people some people from happiness and friendship become kinder fun friendship you need to take care not to neglect it if you have a better friend or friend and you trust them and they do not have to do something you need to upset life is long and you will find yourself many friends who will be faithful to you and you them типа что то такое а дальше попробуй сам

38 complete the text.welrome to the tower of london! there are lots of wonderful sights and interesting activities in this ancient fortress. you can visit the museums, see the crown jewels and take photos of the famous black ravens. historical performances take place in the white tower! the guards of the tower, known as beefeaters, take care of the museums and tell tourists about thir past. you can take part in their excursion and enjoy their stories.

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