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Заранее )) a. choose the correct answer: 1. my mother ( am, is, are) at work. 2. his brother ( have got, has got ) two friends. 3. he (likes, like, is liking) to play soccer. 4. my sister ( go, is going, goes) to school every day. 5. look! ma 6. ry ( is swimming, swims ). 7. we ( is reading, are reading, read ) a book now. 8. there (is, are) a ball in the box. 9. there ( were, was) two apples on the table. 10. i`ve got ( a, an, - ) aunt. 11. have you got ( some, any) oranges? 12. how ( many, much) butter do you need? 13. there aren`t ( many, much) children in the classroom. 14. how many ( foot, feet, foots) have you got? 15. my dog has got three ( puppies, puppy, puppys). 16. my birthday is ( in, on) september. b. напишите предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной форме: 1. she was in the park yesterday. 2. mike has got a toy car. 3. tom can climb tree. 4. we are writing a test. 5. chuckles likes bananas very much.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) 1. my mother is at work. 2. his brother has got two friends. 3. he likes to play soccer. 4. my sister goes to school every day. 5. look! mary is swimming. 6. we are reading a book now. 7. there is a ball in the box. 8. there were two apples on the table. 9. i've got an aunt. 10. have you got some oranges? 11. how much butter do you need? 12. there aren't many children in the classroom. 13. how many feet have you got? 14. my dog has got three puppies. 15. my birthday is in september. 2) 1. she wasn't in the park yesterday. was she in the park yesterday? 2. mike hasn't got a toy car. has mike got a toy car? 3. tom can't climb tree. can tom climb tree? 4. we aren't writing a test. are we writing a test? 5. chuckles doesn't like bananas very much. does chuckles like bananas very much?

skлюдей, чтобы вамв таких ситуациях.пример: вы не можетеуслышать то, чтоговорит .-не могли бы выговорить громче, ? 1)вы не знаете,что значит это слово.2) вы неможете найтиперо, чтобы записатьслова.3) выхотитезнать время.4) вынепонимаете, чтовашаpartherсказал.5) выхотитеоставить сообщение длятвоего друга.

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