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15 б. ответь на вопросы 1.what do people often call the american flag? 2.what are the colours of the american flag? 3.how many states are there in the usa? 4. how many stars are there on the american flag? why? 5. how many stripes has the flag got? 6.what colours are the stripes? 7.why are there 13 stripes on the flag? what do they mean? 8. what must people know about the american flag?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1flag of the united states of america 2 consists of white and red horizontal stripes. in the left upper corner of the flag is a blue rectangle with white pentagonal stars, stars of just 50 3  in the us, there are only 50 united states 4  on the american flag 50 stars as in the us 50 united states 5  the flag is lined up with 13 lanes 6  the colors of the strips are red and white 7 these stripes signify the unity and activity of the state 8 people should know about flag all

the boy was so sad

he's such a nice man

they are such beautiful flowers

it's such a heavy suitcase

they are such noisy boys

he is so kind

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