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What time do you get up in the morning? — в какое время ты встаешь утром? what time do you get up on schooldays? — в какое время ты встаешь в учебные дни? do you get up early on sunday? – ты встаешь рано в воскресенье? what do you do after breakfast? — что ты делаешь после завтрака? what time do you go to school? — когда ты ходишь в школу? do you have lunch at school? — ты обедаешь в школе? what do you do in the afternoon? — что ты делаешь днем? what time do you have dinner? — во сколько ты обедаешь? what do you do in the evenings? — что ты делаешь по вечерам? what time do you go to bed? — когда ты ложишься спать? ответь на вопросы

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iusually get up at 7 o'clock at school days. at weekends i get up at 10 o'clock. i don't get up early at sunday, because i like sleeping at the weekends. after i have breakfast, i go to school. i go to school 5 days a week. i have lunch at school with my friends. all day i spend stydying at school and doing my homework. i like watch tv at the evening. i go to the bed at 11 pm.

1)when were you born? i was born in 1980.

2)the light went off and the orchestra started playing.

3) when i came into the kitchen mother was cooking dinner.

4)we had been washing the floor from 3 till 4 yesterday.

5)at 7 yersterday i was playing the piano.

6)when i came home mother had already cooked dinner.

7)tom had translated the text by 7.

8)she had been seeing the film for 1 hour when i rang her up.

9)where were you yesterday?

10) did you finish school last year?

поставь мне "лучшее решение", если несложно.

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