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Вот текст: robert midhurst is 65 but he looks much younger. last year he was in europe and north africa on a bicycle for more than six months. last september the weather in britain was very bad, so robert got on his bicycle in london and went to dover. at dover he took a ferry. after three days he reached paris but in paris the weather wasn't better than in london. it rained all the time. again he got on his bike and started the journey to spain. robert likes france a lot. he travelled slowly. the weather got better. the days were very sunny and warm. it was late october when he arrived in spain. for five days he travelled carefully because there were strong winds and it often rained at the beginning of november the weather got better. the sun shone brightly but the beaches were often empty. he left spain at the beginning of december. in december he was in india. it was very hot there. the journey was very interesting. he came back to england by plane. а вот : complete the chart about the weather in the places that robert visited: 1-britain 2-france 3-spain 4-india кхем, 4-

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Ответы на вопрос:

The weather was very bad in britain. the weather was very bad too,it was rainy in france.but sometimes the weather was sunny and warm. it was windy and rainy in spain. it was hot in india.

you need  technical skills to get this job.

people of all ages try to    lead a healthy lifestyle.

it's more expensive to live in the city than in the country.

how much rent do you pay?

it is risky but i like    extreme-sports.

this game is my  new passion.

try to keep up our team spirit.



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