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My radio does t work very well but i don't know what is

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Впропуске должно стоять with it. there are a few things that can cause a car radio to suddenly stop working, but it’s tough to say exactly what your problem is without knowing some more information. for instance, it could be as simple as a blown fuse if the display doesn’t come on, or it could be an antenna problem if the radio part doesn’t work but other audio sources (like cd players) do work.

Maybe you pressed the wrong button? or is there something wrong with the radio?

1) what can you do when compulsory education is over? -что вы можете делать, когда   закончите обязательное образование ? 2) what most important exams does peter talk about ? - о каких самых важных  экзаменах говорит питер? 3)  use the word box to learn the meaning.-используйте слова из word box (рамочки со словами), чтобы узнать их значение. 4) what advantages and disadvantages did nik talk about ? -о каких пиремуществах и недостатках говорил  ник. 5)fill in the gaps with the words from the correct form.-заполните пропуски правильными (подходящими) словами в нужной форме.

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