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4. bставьте was, were, will, have, has. 1). the dishes 2). the a lot of exercises 3). raining. 4). jenny and their homework yet 5), jack is not at home. to the theatre. 6). the texts at l lo'clock yesterday 7). the making a report at 10 o'clock tomorrow. 8). new words at 3 o'clock yesterday. 9), you--be reading a book the whole evening tomorrow. 10). the tv at 8 o'clock in the evening yesterday. ** **

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Was have has have has was was was were was

1.where were your parents born? порядок слов в вопросах: вопр. сл (where, when who и т.д.) → вспом. гл. (are, is, am и т.д.) → подлежащее → сказуемое → другие части предложения

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