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Написать на этот текст моего друга зовут илья. он увлекается видео играми. мы ходим в магазин дисков, чтобы купить новую игру. когда нам эта игра надоест, мы обмениваемся с друзьями на другие диски.

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Ответы на вопрос:

My friend's name is ilya. he is fond of video games. we go to the disc store to buy a new game. when we get tired of this game, we exchange with friends on other drives.

1.i have lamp. 2.this boy has got a dog and this boy hasn't. 3.say "good morning"! 4.he hasn't got a gun. 5.this boy has a fox. 6.give me this ball. 7.i have two sticks. 8.i have four cats and this boy hasn't got cats. 9.he hasn't got a cap. 10.this boy has a mice and i have mice too. 11.show me this gun. 12.this boy has a gun but he hasn't got a book. 13.i have a hat and this boy have a hat too. 14.say this word.

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