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Очём беседуют одноклассники дэна? вставте it is,it`s,is it what time is it? half past seven. yes, already late. what day today? wednesday? thursday. cold in winter in scotland? cold and snowy. frosty? are usuaiiy frosty in winter. what is the winter like in england? not very cold. often snowy frosty.

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1-it is 2-it's 3-is it 4-it is 5-it's 6-is it 7-it is 8-is it 9-it is 10-it's 11-it is 12-it is 13-isn't

Surkhuri is an ancient Chuvash holiday. The winter cycle is celebrated during the winter solstice. Surkhuri is usually celebrated within 1 week after the adoption of Christianity, this holiday coincides with the Christian Christmas of Rashtav and continues until baptism.

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