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Переведите текст (правильно! без переводчика) по правде говоря, ютуб я смотрю крайне редко, из-за того, что порой на это абсолютно не хватает времени. но один из тех блоггеров, которого мне нравится смотреть является полина сладкова. ей 17 лет, и несколько лет назад она переехала из россии в сша вместе со своей семьей. в своих видео она рассказывает о своей жизни в америке, о том, что происходит с ней на протяжении всего дня и не только. смотря ее видео, можно узнать много интересного о сша, например о школах, культуре, людях, менталитете, о различии жизни в россии и америке, и об многом другом. если вас заинтересовала эта блоггерша, то я советую посмотреть вам ее видео, отрывок из которого я покажу вам прямо сейчас!

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To tell the truth, i watch youtube very rarely, the reason is that i sometimes don’t have enough free time for that. however, when i have some time to spare, i enjoy watching the videos made by the blogger polina sladkova. polina is a seventeen-year-old girl whose family immigrated to the usa from russia a few years ago. in her videos she tells her viewers about her life in the states, what happens to her during the day and some other interesting things. watching her videos, we can learn something about the usa; for example, we can learn  about its schools, culture, the mentality of its people, about the differences in the ways of life there and in russia and a great deal more. if you are interested, i advise you to watch her videos and i’m going to show you a bit of her video now.

To be honest i watch youtube rarely, because i don`t have enough time for it. but one of those blogers, who  like to watch, is polina sladkova. she is 17, and a few years ago she came from russia to the usa with her family. in her videos she tells about life in america and about her everyday life. watching her videos, you can discover many interesting information abou usa, for example, about schools, culture and so on. if you really like her, i advise you to watch her video, part of one i am going to show you. 

1) i mean not only and not so much domestic dirt and dust, but a situation on a global scale. 2) there is some backup system for warming the body.3) when we quenched the first famine, the entertainment program began.4) conversely, the absence of slaves was considered a sign of extreme poverty: "he has neither a slave nor bags for money"5)  it was the taoist intelligentsia, which in its development was not inferior to the confucian and later played a decisive role in the civil war. 6)at the same time, many phenomena related to climate change and environmental pollution are coming to the fore today in terms of their relevance.

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