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Всем . , напишите 9 кратких предложений, ну сильно кратких, про любого известного человека.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ломоносов михаил васильевич. это первый учёный.жил он 53 года.ломоносов мечтал заниматься наукой.он пришёл в москву чтобы получить образование.почти все ,что он создал,связано со словом «первый».первый в москве университет сегодня носит его имя.михаил васильевич написал первый учебник,создал известен во всем мире.поэтому более талантливого ученного в 18 веке в россии не было.

1)if he had the money. he would buy a fast car. (he/have)

2)jane likes living in a city. she wouldn't be happy if she lived in the country. (she/not/be)

3)if i wanted to learn italian,  i would  go  to italy (i/go)

4)i haven't told ann what happened. she'd be angry if  she know    (she/know)

5) if we had a map, i could show you where i live. (we/have)

6) what would you do if  you won  a lot of money? (you/win)

7) it's not a very good hotel.i wouldn*t stay there if i were you. (i/not/stay)

8) if  we lived  hearer london, we would go there more often. (we/live)

9)it's a pity you have to go now.  it  would be  nice if you had more time. (it\be)

10) i'm not going to take the job. i'd take it if  the salary would be   better (the salary/be)

11) i don't know anything about cars. if the car broke down,i wouldn*t know what to do (i/not/know)

12) if you could change one thing in the world, what you would be chance? (you/change

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