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Напешите сочинение по " мая професия в будующем" ! план 1. любая професия 2. почему я выбрал(ла) эту професию 3. какие предметы нужны

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1доктор  a doctor 2 профессия врача –  одна из самых благородных, гуманных и необходимых профессий на землe.он берет на себя ответственность за самое прекрасное на свете – жизнь человека.  the profession of a doctor is one of the noblest, humane and necessary professions on earth.he takes responsibility for the most beautiful thing in the world - the life of man. 3 , биология chemistry,biology

About conceive school, a person must take the most responsible step in his life – to choose a profession. profession is consciously favorites rus, in which you will invest a lot of time and effort. it is very important that your abilities and personality traits correspond to your type of activity. there is an interesting statement: "find what you like to do, and all life is not a job." from this it follows that the work of the profession and the prize should be the same, in the problem case, none of them will be sorry nor joy, nor the material of dt. what do i want from my future profession? of course, that it was two and developing that in the course of work i communicated with many people of interest and, perhaps, went to other cities. second, i need an area ordered by name and abilities to be the best in the vibrant profession. thirdly, what am i going to do must print a public benefit, not just me. and finally, my future profession should like me to

There was a table in the room.-был стол в комнате . there was a plant next to the window.-было растение рядом с окном . there was a girl in the room.-была девочка в комнате . there was a tv on the wall.-был телевизор на стене . there was a man in the street.-там был человек, на улице. there was a phone in the bag.-был телефон в сумке . there was a book on the table.-была книга на столе. there was a pen in my hand.-было перо в руке. there was a house near a shop.-был дом рядом с магазином . there was a bag on the floor.-был мешок на полу .   there were some people in the street.-были некоторые люди на улице . there were some tomatoes in the fridge.-были некоторые помидоры в холодильнике . there were two pencils in my bag.-было два карандаши в моей сумке there were some mistakes in the text.-были некоторые ошибки в тексте . there were some pupils in the library.-были некоторые ученики в библиотеке . there were some pictures on the wall.-были некоторые фотографии на стене . there were three windows in the room.-было три окна в комнате . there were some chairs in the room.-были некоторые стулья в комнате . there were some books on the floor,- были некоторые книги по полу ,there were many sweets in my hand.- было много сладостей в моей руке

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