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Complete the sentences with the right forms of the adjectives in brackets the (interesting) the plans are, the (bad) the weather is. вопрос 2 complete the sentences with the right forms of the adjectives in brackets the (big) the car is, the (safe) it is. вопрос 3 complete the sentences with the right forms of the adjectives in brackets the (often) you call, the (happy) your granny is. вопрос 4 complete the sentences with the right forms of the adjectives in brackets the (early) you get up, the (energetic) you feel. вопрос 5 complete the sentences with the right forms of the adjectives in brackets the (little) you speak about it, the (good).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the more interesting, the worse 2. bigger, safer 3. more often, happier 4. erlier, more energetic 5. less, better

Синоним: тартымды , жағымды , көңілді , әсерлі

Популярно: Английский язык