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Супотребите глаголы в скобках в простом прошедшем времени. 1 we (to sign) a contract in finland last week. 2he (to speak) about the terms of the contract with his partners yesterday . 3 when he was a manager, he (to work) twelve hours a day. 4. last summer tim (to work) as a representative of “gm'l” in finland. 5.i (to read) a lot about our company in papers last year. 6.the agency (to hire) some more employees two weeks age . 7.he (to postpone) the meetings until next monday. 8. in 2001 mike (to apply) for a job as a sales representative. 9.from 1996 to 1997 tim (to work) as a custom officer. 10.the secretary (to type) a letter two days ago. 11.thay (to purchase) a lot of machinery in finland last year. 12.i (to see) her in the office ten minutes ago. 13.there (to be) no snow in the streets yesterday. 14.it (to take) me three hours to translate the text last sunday. 15.last saturday we (not to go) to the restaurant and (to have) dinner at home.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1signed 2 spoke 3 worked 4 worked 5 read 6 hired 7 postponed 8 applied 9 worked 10 typed 11 purchased 12 saw 13 was 14 took 15 didn't go, had

1)signed 2)spoke 3)worked 4)worked 5)read 6)hired 7)postponed 8)applied 9)worked 10)typed 11)purchased 12)saw 13)was 14)took 15)didn't go to, had

have\has + третья форма глагола.(у правильных глаголов окончание -ed)


отличается другими указателями о обозначает действие, которое было в прошлом, прервано и связано с настоящим через результат.. например: i have seen this film/ я видел этот фильм или hatasha has been to the usa twice. наташа дважды бывала в сша.

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