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Задать 2 вопроса к предложениям специальный вопрос и общий вопрос 1)kat (to do) her home work now 2)they (to buy) already a new car 3)she (to study) english for five years 4) when he came home his mothe (to cook) dinner 5)his friends (to go) a broad next year

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) is doing 2) have bought 3) has been studing 4) cooked 5) will go общие вопросы: 1) is kate do her homework now? 2) have they bought a new car? 3) has she been studing 4)did his mother cook dinner when he 5) will his friends go специальные вопросы: 1) what is kate doing now? 2) what have they brought? 3) how long has she studing english? 4)when did his mother cook dinner? 5) when will his friends go abroad?

1.kat is doing her homework now. is kat doing her homework now? what is kat doing now? 2. they have already bought a new car. have they already bought a new car? what have they already bought? 3. she has been studying english for five years. has she been studying english for five years? how long has she been studying english?   4.when he came home his mother was cooking dinner. was his mother cooking dinner when he came home? who was cooking dinner when he came home? 5. his friends are going abroad next year. are his friends going abroad next year? who is going abroad next year?  


2 may download

3 must pay

4 must like

5 may take

6 musnt stand up


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