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Answer the questions. 1. was it cold on the desert? 2. how old is lake baikal? 3. is the water hot in the geysers? 4. is there any sand in the desert?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. it is cold in a desert at night. ( ночью в пустыне холодно ) 2. i don't know exactly but it is very old. я не знаю точно, но он старый ) 3. the water in geysers is mostly hot. ( вода в гейзерах в основном горячая) 4. of course, desert mainly consists of sand.( конечно, пустыня в основном состоит из песка. )

1.Beth doesn't have enough time.

2.It is too expensive.

3.It is too narrow.

4.She doesn't have enough paper.

5.It is too heavy.

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