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Прямі, які дотикаються до кола із центром о в точках а і в, перетинаються в точці к, кут акв дорівнює 120о. доведіть, що ак + вк = ок. 50

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,7(48 оценок)

Dear anna , i'd like you to come to me this winter . winter in rybinsk very frosty and incredibly beautiful . tempiraura about 10c -20c . there are a lot of interesting things , for example you can go to the rink . he then very large . and next to him cafes , zemerznish if you can go and get warm . most people prefer to spend their weekends in the center , riding on the roller coaster with the kids or enjoying the beauty of rybinsk .

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