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Перевести. переводчик переводит не понятно. easter the build-up to easter begins on shrove tuesday.this is the day before ashwednesday - the beginning of the 40 days of lent. on shrove tuesday it is the custom to cook and eat pancakes.

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Пасханаращивание на пасху начинается на масленице во вторник. это накануне ашведнес - начало 40 дней великого поста. на масленице во вторник это обычай готовить и есть блины.

1.I was to have met you, but I forgot, sorry.

2.yesterday we went cinema. go в past simple went

3.I was told that people here, at the Future Investment Initiative

4.We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill

5.Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow

6.I've taught you well.

7.They answered me

8.was fed, cleaned, given her vaccines

9.I travelled here by train

10.I played soldier, you played king


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