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Translate from russian into english using gerund : 2. я учил слова повторяя их несколько раз. 4. до завтрака я делаю зарядку. 6. заучивание правил без примеров бесполезно. 8. лучший способ отдохнуть летом это путешествие. 10. она может перевести эту статью не пользуясь словарем. 12. то, что она выучила новые слова, ей написать тест хорошо. 14. он вошел не постучав. 16. я люблю, когда меня приглашают к себе друзья, 18. мы rордимся тем, что пригласили этоrо ученого на нашу конференцию. 20. я не помню, чтобы говорил с ним об этом. translate from english into russian: 2. a few minutes washing in running water makes the sample as white as before. 4. this effective result is determined by studying the structure of molecules and crystals. 6. this surgeon is capable of performing the most complicated operations. 8. mendeleev's having discovered the periodic law made a revolution in chemistry. 10. in spite of having met with failure they continued experimenting. 12. they insisted on the sample being tested twice. 14. reducing the reaction lasting time we obtained quite unexpected results. 16. there are ways of generating heat besides that of combustion. 18. we learned about her having graduated from the university. 20. nobel's contributing to the development of sciences is known by everybody.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Перейти на 2. i taught the words repeating them several times. 4. before breakfast, i do exercises. 6. learning the rules without examples is useless. 8. the best way to relax in summer is to travel. 10. she can translate this article without using a dictionary. 12. the fact that she learned new words helped her write a test well. 14. he did not enter without knocking. 16. i love being invited to my friends, 18. we rordimsya by inviting this scientist to our conference. 20. i do not remember talking to him about this.

1. d

2. a

3. с

4. a

5. c

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