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3. из четырех вариантов (а), (в), (с), (d) выберите единственно правильный: j 1. charlie chaplin was fond his friends. (a) to imitate (c) imitating (b) imitate (d) of imitating 2. moscow has ' beautiful buildings and monuments. (a) a lot (c) a great deal (b) much (d) many 3. we'll start our tour from trafalgar square is the geographical centre of london. (a) which (c) where (b) whose (d) there 4. i've decided to university when i finish school. (a) go (c) to go (b) going (d) that i go 5. jimmy couldn't come to the lesson, ? (a) could he (c) did he (b) couldn't he (d) didn't he 6. everybody that smoking is dangerous. (a) know (c) is knowing (b) knows (d) is known 7. if you help me, we finish the job much sooner. (a) can to (c) will be able (b) could (d) will be able to 8. a hundred years life was very different. (a) before (c) ago (b) previously (d) later 9. how long are you going to at the hotel? (a) leave (c) put up (b) stay (d) occupy 10. when from moscow university? (a) did you graduate (c) have you graduated (b) did you graduated (d) were you graduating 11. it's very cold today. don't forget to put your coat. (a) off (c)on (b) of (d) out 12. when i arrived my boss . (a) has already left (c) already left (b) had already left (d) was leaving yet 13. i'm hungry. i haven't had breakfast this morning. (a) some (c) no (b) a (d) any 14. pete is man i've ever met. (a) the most handsome (c) a most handsome (b) most handsome (d) most the handsome 15. he a lot of time reading poetry. (a) used to spending (c) used spending (b) used to spend (d) used on spending 16. nick hasn't found a job . (a) too (c) neither (b)also (d) either 17. i'm afraid i have _ _ bad news for you. (a) a (c) some (b) the (d) any 18. do you know ? (a) when st valentine's day is (c) st valentine's day is when (b) when is st valentine's day (d) st valentine's day, when is it 19. the book next year. (a) publishes (c) will publish (b) is published (d) will be published 20.1 have never seen an interesting film. (a) so (c)very (b) such (d)too 21. when are you planning to leave (a) for (b)to australia? (c)in (d) through 22. what when i rang you up yesterday? (a) you were doing (b) were you doing (c) did you do (d) did you 23. ann and alice are twins. they are very much . (a) look like (c) alike (b) like (d) liking , 24. susan is a very old friend of . (a) my (c) me (b) mine (d) her 25. will you help me to the table? (a) lay (c) lain (b) lie (d) laid ' 26. i'll be in paris. (a) the day tomorrow (c) after tomorrow (b) the day after tomorrow (d) the day before yesterday 27.1 haven't been to the bolshoi theatre many years. (a) since (c) for (b) after (d) while 28. mary has beautiful hair! (a) such (c) so (b) such a (d) a 29. washington was (a) find c) found (d) founded (b) finded 30. you'd better in 1790. it at once. (a) to do (b) not to do (c)do (d) doing

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. (d) of imitating 2. (d) many 3. (a) which 4. (c) to go 5. (a) could he 6. (b) knows 7. (d) will be able to 8. (c) ago 9. (b) stay 10. (a) did you graduate 11. (c) on 12. (b) had already left 13. (d) any 14. (a) the most handsome 15. (b) used to spend 16. (d) either 17. (c) some 18. (a) when st valentine's day is 19. (d) will be published 20. (b) such 21. (a) for 22. (b) were you doing 23. (c) alike 24. (b) mine 25. (a) lay 26. (b) the day after tomorrow 27. (c) for 28. (a) such 29. (d) founded 30. (c) do

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