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Предложения нужно поставить в настоящее совершенное продолженное время в утверждении,отрицание вопрос. каждое. 1. the vegetables … (boil) since 10 o’clock. 2. he … (wait) for her answer for six months. 3. my sister … (send) job applications for 3 months. 4. i … (try) to find my documents since last sunday. 5. they … (learn) japanese for a couple of years. 6. father … (drill) holes in the wall since noon. 7. my brother … (play) computer games for 3 hours. 8. we (save) the money for a holiday for a year.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the vegetables have been boiling since 10 o’clock. have the vegetables been boiling since 10 o’clock? the vegetables have not been boiling since 10 o’clock

2. he has been waiting for her answer for six months. has he been waiting for her answer for six months? he hasn't been waiting for her answer for six months.

3. my sister has been sending job applications for 3 months. has ny sister been sending job applications for 3 months. my sister hasn't been sending job applications for 3 months.

4. i have been trying to find my documents since last sunday. have i  been trying to find my documents since last sunday? i havn't been trying to find my documents since last sunday.

5. they have been learning japanese for a couple of years. have they been learning japanese for a couple of years? they havn't been learning japanese for a couple of years.

6. father has been drilling holes in the wall since noon. has father been drilling holes in the wall since noon? father hasn't been drilling holes in the wall since noon.

7. my brother has been playing computer games for 3 hours.

8. we have been saving the money for a holiday for a year.

Do you speak english? we go to the country it is raining how often do you she writes books for children it sometimes every morning mother mother is cooking breakfast every day father leaves the

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