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The central figure of the mamayev kurgan in volgograd is the sculpture "motherland calls! ". the statue rises 52 m above the terrain. the hill on which there is a monument to the motherland-mother, in bulk - its height is about 14 meters. the height of motherland with the sword taken into account is 85 meters: sculpture is one of the highest statues in the world. on both sides to the top of mamayev kurgan there are several paths, one of which is from the area of ​​the tribulation. along the path there are several tombstones - the names of those who gave their lives in the battles near stalingrad. there is also the grave of an unknown soldier. in total, 34 500 people, soldiers and ordinary people, who were heroes of their country during the war, were buried in the mound under the statue "motherland calls! " центровой фигурой мамаева кургана в волгограде является скульптура «родина-мать зовет! ». статуя возвышается над местностью на 52 метра. холм, на котором стоит памятник родина-мать, насыпной – его высота составляет примерно 14 метров. высота родины-матери с учетом меча равна 85 метрам: скульптура входит в число самых высоких статуй мира. с обеих сторон к вершине мамаева кургана ведут несколько дорожек, одна из которых со стороны площади скорби. вдоль тропинки расположено несколько надгробных плит – на них имена тех, кто отдал свою жизнь в боях под сталинградом. есть здесь и могила неизвестного солдата. всего в кургане под статуей «родина-мать зовет! » захоронено 34 500 человек – солдат и простых людей, ставших в годы войны героями своей страны.

1. they were married many years ago and still love each other. they have been married since 1977.2 - have you seen the picture of van gogh? - no, but i really want to see them.- if you will be free in the evening, come to our museum.3. i am very tired. next week i will take the exam, so now i have to work hard. i usually work until midnight and i drink a lot of coffee.4. when i was driving down the road, there was a cat in front of the machine. i immediately stopped the car.5. here they are! we were looking for you everywhere. where have you been?

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