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Соотнести к определениия inventory, property, account receivable, hedging, profit, damage, legislation, expensive, securities, self-insurance 1) the difference between the price received for a product and the amounts paid as rewards to the factors of production. 2) an operation adopted by merchants and others in the commodi-ty markets who deal in futures to protect themselves against risk of loss, caused by future changes in price. 3) any thing that has value and can be owned, including things having substance, such as land, money, etc. 4) investments generally, especially stocks, shares and bonds which are bought as investments. 5) the accumulation of a fund of money as a reserve to provide for possible losses in the future that could easily have been insured with in insurance company. 6) stocks held by a business for sale to its customers; a detailed list of things. 7) dear; costing much money; needing great expense; high priced. 8) laws, especially statute laws, i.e. acts of parliament in britain, acts of congress in usa. 9) a sum of money due to be received from a customer in the or-di¬nary course of trade but not yet paid. 10) harm; loss of value caused by being broken or spoilt.

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1) profit - the difference between the price received for a product and the amounts paid as rewards to the factors of production. 2) hedging - an operation adopted by merchants and others in the commodi-ty markets who deal in futures to protect themselves against risk of loss, caused by future changes in price. 3) property - any thing that has value and can be owned, including things having substance, such as land, money, etc. 4) securities - investments generally, especially stocks, shares and bonds which are bought as investments. 5) self-insurance - the accumulation of a fund of money as a reserve to provide for possible losses in the future that could easily have been insured with in insurance company. 6) inventory - stocks held by a business for sale to its customers; a detailed list of things. 7) expensive - dear; costing much money; needing great expense; high priced. 8) legislation  - laws, especially statute laws, i.e. acts of parliament in britain, acts of congress in usa. 9) account receivable - a sum of money due to be received from a customer in the or-di¬nary course of trade but not yet paid. 10) damage - harm; loss of value caused by being broken or spoilt.

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