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Яхочу стать бизнесменом. я это решил давно ,ещё когда был маленький. я знаю что для того чтобы стать бизнесменом нужно много времени и много усилий. но я всё равно буду идти в период , и буду стать бизнесменом. перевод на

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Iwant to be a businessman. i it    decided a long time ago ,when i was small. i know that it takes a lot of time and effort to become a businessman. but i'm going to go  farther into a  anyway , and i'm going to be a businessman.

Iwant to be a businessman. i decided a long time ago ,when i was little. i know that in order to become a businessman need a lot of time and lot of effort. but i'm still going to go in the period , and will become a businessman.

1witnesses will be accepted and listened to in an hour.

2the trial has just been held and the case has been sent to the соurt.

3record of the trial is always conducted by the registrar of the court.

4the english judicial system was described in many textbooks many years ago.

5 the judge entered the hall at the time when the case was being discussed.

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