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Complete the sentences with a noun form corresponding to the adjective given in brackets. your children are not my (responsible) they questioned her for the test. (ready) having a car has improved my (independent) it’s hard to guess the of her passing the test. (probable) the decision to drive in the snow was pure (mad) they reacted to the joke with much (hilarious) he was a very thoughtful, philosophical person. a man of great (wise) i must eat something. i’m dying of (hungry) there was no doubt about his he was sent to prison for five years. (guilty) the closure of the post office brought to the community. (sad)

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Ответы на вопрос:

Responsibility readiness independence probability madness hilarity wisdom hunger guilt sadness

Today when mom came home from work tired and with bags in hand. i saw her and decided to help. arriving today to visit my grandmother. i replaced what she is looking for. and decided to help her. when we found her that the thing she was looking for i was very tired and decided with my grandmother to drink tea. then i went home. house while my mom was preparing to eat, i was doing homework. i ate and went to bed. so my day went.перевод: сегодня когда мама возвращалась домой уставшая с работы и с сумками в руках. я увидел ее и решил . придя сегодня навестить бабушку. я заменил что она что-что ищет. и решил ей . когда мы нашли с ней ту вещь которую она искала я устал и решил с бабушкой попить чаю. потом я отправился домой. дома пока мама готовила кушать я делал уроки. я покушал и лег спать. так и прошёл мой день

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