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Перевести на анг. ) имиджмейкер – это специалист, который способен увидеть внутренний мир человека, особенности его характера, сильные и слабые стороны, определить привычки и воплотить все это в одежде. создать единый неповторимый образ, который идеально подойдет именно этому человеку. тут одежда должна идеально влиться в стиль жизни, быть успешным во всем. это понятие, которое объединяет внутренний и внешний мир человека. это и стилист, и психолог. стилиста-имиджмейкера – не просто создать красивую, законченную картинку, а продумать до мелочей такой образ, который бы клиенту в достижении его целей - профессиональных и личных.

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Image maker is a specialist who is able to see the inner world of a person, features of his character, strengths and weaknesses, to identify habits and to embody all this in clothes. create a single unique image that is perfect for this person. here, clothes should ideally fit into the lifestyle, help to be successful in everything. this concept, which unites the inner and outer world of man. this is a stylist, and a psychologist. the task of the stylist-image maker is not just to create a beautiful, finished picture, but to think over to the smallest details such an image that would help the client in achieving his goals - professional and personal. удачи

Image maker is a specialist who is able to see the inner world of a person, features of his character, strengths and weaknesses, to identify habits and to embody all this in clothes. create a single unique image that is perfect for this person. here, clothes should ideally fit into the lifestyle, help to be successful in everything. this concept, which unites the inner and outer world of man. this is a stylist, and a psychologist. the task of the stylist-image maker is not just to create a beautiful, finished picture, but to think over to the smallest details such an image that would help the client in achieving his goals - professional and personal.

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