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Ссочинение,на о том как вести себя во время ? памятка/25 предложений

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ifound a fire in the apartment. what can i do? you're still small, so do not try to put out the fire yourself, urgently call for help from adults, run out to the stairwell or to the street and shout "fire! ", call neighbors at the door and ask them to call 01 and give the address where the fire broke out

after all, it is not the sum that is important - the action and motivation are important. i believe that you can help others, even if you have very modest incomes. to some extent, it is even better to do it when the income is modest, because then help has more weight. well, and you already know the mechanisms of the universe: what you sow, you will reap.

i understand that the amounts and questions that i will cover in the article may seem insignificant to someone, but this is my experience, and i hope that it will be valuable even for some readers. ( сложно составить сочинение из 5 предложений , но это почти оно)

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