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Определите время : she said that she enjoyed travelling a lot (она сказала, что ей нравится много путешествовать). 2 he said that he had visited spain the previous year (он сказал, что он посетил испанию в прошлом году). 3 he said that travelling solo was the best thing he had ever done (он сказал, что путешествовать одному было самой лучшей вещью, которую он когда-либо делал). 4 jane said that she would go to italy the following year (джейн сказала, что она отправится в италию в следующем году). 5 tim said that he was looking for an interesting destination (тим сказал, что он ищет интересное направление).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1she said (past simp) that she enjoyed (past simp) travelling a lot. 2 he said (past simp) that he had visited (past perf) spain the previous year. 3 he said (past simp) that travelling solo was (past simp) the best thing he had ever done (past perf). 4 jane said (past simp) that she would go (fut in the past) to italy the following year. 5 tim said (past simp) that he was looking (past cont)for an interesting destination.



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