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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в present continuous или в present simple. 1. she (not to drink) coffee now. 2. (to read) every day. 3. (to sleep) every night. 4. (to drink) tea every morning. 5. (to go) to school every morning. 6. (to read) now. 7. he (to sleep) now. 8. (to drink) tea now. 9. they (to go) to school now. 10. my dad always (to go) to work by car. 11. my baby brother (to play) with his toys at the moment. 12. she (to get) up at six o’clock every morning? 13. she (to take) her daughter to school every morning.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. she isn't drinking coffee now. 2. i read every day. 3. he sleeps every night. 4. we drink tea every morning. 5. they go to school every morning. 6. i'm reading now. 7. he's sleeping now. 8. we're drinking tea now. 9. they're going to school now. 10. my dad always goes to work by car. 11. my baby brother is playing with his toys at the moment. 12. does she get up at six o'clock every morning? 13. she takes her daughter to school every morning.

1)"you must try to do one's best, mike, if you want to have good marks! " - said my mum when i was trying to fix my laptop 2)my family's of great importance for me. (или my room's of great importance for me.  3)my sister's in hospital! i should run away from school as quick as possible! 4)i must (to) learn fifty polish words by heat for my tomorrow's exam, but i don't know it and i haven't the shit of paper with this words.  5)my mother tongue is russian.  6)"i beg your pardon" is a sinonim of "i'm so sorry! "7, 8, 9) i don't understand you, please, say it again and speak slowly.  10)i'm not american girl, guys, what's (сокращение от does) this word mean?

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