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Summer is the warmest and graceful season for sure. during the summertime nature lives to the full extent. trees are green and juicy fruits are ripening on their branches. flowers are blooming at flowerbeds, woods and meadows. animals and birds are busy with feeding their offspring. they are living and neither hibernating. summer days are blessed for people as well. no one needs clumsy warm clothes and there no need in heating their apartments. during summer there’s no frost and ice-crusted ground. everyone is free for move, walking, running and traveling.

                                      my favorite time of year - summer summer is the warmest and hottest time of the year. grow gardens, overflowing with flowering forest, animals scurrying everywhere, buzzing insects, birds chirping. all busy with important things! in summer the forest is full of life. the grass scurrying insects, the air humming wild bees. in most impossible not entangled in the sticky web. this spiders hunt, spreading a cobweb between bushes and trees. into the woods should wear a shirt and pants long sleeve: near the river can bite mosquitoes, which in summer divorced invisible. and on a trunk of an old tree ants run a chain, carry to themselves home any microscopic food. the foliage of the trees, chirping birds: thrushes, tits, warblers, wagtails and others. they have a hot time: they catch insects, feed voracious chicks in nests. here's my favorite season - summer!

Онет ! этот дом голый ! где стол ? где стул ? нет спальной, нет ванной, нет кухни - о боже ! я хочу пойти домой,  мне здесь не нравится! , town mouse ( типо дом мышек, я так и не понял). добро в мой дом! он маленький, но хороший, любящий дом для двух маленьких мышек!

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