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Прочитайте предложение. выберите верный ответ ( a,b, или c) , чтобы предложение имело правильный грамматический и лексический смысл. 13. a horse has got . a) for b) fore c) four 14.yesterday she a vase. a) breaks b) has broken c) broke 15. i her at school already. a) saw b) have seen c) will see 16. usually we supper at 7 p.m. a) are having b) had c) have 17. we juice now. a) drink b) are drinking c) drank 18. i think the book is than film. a) the most interesting b) more interesting c) interesting 19. we usually write with chalk on the at school. a) chair b) curtains c) blackboard 20. you shouldn’t a lot of sweets. they are bad for your teeth. a) eat b) ate c) eating 21. you keep this book as long as you want. a) can b) must c) should

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Ответы на вопрос:

13 предложение дописано? 14. с 15. b 16. c 17. b 18. b 19. c 20. a 21. c

1.Just/yet (просто/ещё)

2.Already (уже)

3.Yet ( и всё же...)

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