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Translate the sentences into english. 1. этот дом такой же высокий, а тот. 2. сегодня ыода в реке не такая тёплая, как вчера. 3. ты не такой умный, как папа. 4. индия не такая большая, как китай. 5. темза такая же красивая, как нева. 6. его бабушка не такая старая, как дедушка. 7. яблоки такие же вкусные, как сливы, но не такие вкусные, как груши. 8. музей такой же богатый, как эрмитаж? 9. державин не такой знаменитый, как пушкин. 10. днепр не такой длинный, как волга. 11. в прошлом году август был такой же жаркий, как июль.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. this house is as big as that one. 2. today the water in the river isn't as warm as it was yesterday. 3. you aren't as smart as dad. 4. india isn't as big as china. 5. the temsa river is as beautiful as the neva river. 6.  his grandmother isn't as old as grandfather. 7.  apples are as tasty as plums, but not as tasty as pears.  8.  is the russian museum as rich as hermitage? (не уверен, можно ли вообще употреблять "богатый" по отношению к музеям, поэтому переведу дословно) 9.  derzhavin isn't as famous as pushkin. 10.  the dnieper river isn't as long as the volga river. 11.  august was as hot as july last year. (щас бы знания не показывали тебе  ответ другого человека получасовой давности вплоть до того, как ты сам уже все сделал, а потом не предоставляли бы возможности удалить свой вариант решения)

1. this house is as tall as the one. 2. today, the water in the river is not as warm as yesterday. 3. you're not as smart as dad. 4. india is not as big as china. 5. the thames is as beautiful as the neva. 6. his grandmother is not as old as his grandfather. 7. apples are as delicious as plums, but not as tasty as pears. 8. is the russian museum as rich as the hermitage? 9. derzhavin is not as famous as pushkin. 10. the dnieper is not as long as the volga. 11. last year, august was as hot as july.

Houses on the weekend i always tidy my room. first i carefully laid out to places all things: navozhu order on his desk, puts on the shelves of the book, put away in drawers and cabinets games, magazines, pencils and markers. when every thing is back to his place, once it becomes clear how much dust has accumulated on the table this week, shelves, closet. it's time to take up the cloth and go through all the nooks where dirt can hide. at this time, i see myself as a spy, who was ordered to expose the hiding place of the enemy. once all the "enemies" are disclosed and disarmed, i run behind the old vacuum cleaner buzzing, and we along with it thoroughly clean the carpet, all the corners and the space under the bed and wardrobes. vacuums fairly hums - it is nice to eat. but noisy assistant goes to the corner for a deserved rest, and in the doorway there is a silver bucket of water and head master of purity - a doormat. a few minutes later my room glitters and sparkles. left vytrusit dust vacuum cleaner bag, pour the dirty water, and put everything in its place. cleaning is finished!

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