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Закончи эти фразы вставляя a или an. 1) i see .. funny ( смешной ) elf and .. nice (милый) troll. 2) jimmy is .. old grandad. 3) it is not .. bee, it is .. ant. 4) is it lake (озеро)? no, it is .. little pond. 5) i can see .. street, .. lorry and .. bus. 6) is he .. old (пожилой) man? no, he isn`t.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Аставится, если последующее слово начинается с согласной буквы, а аn ставится, если последующее слово начинается с гласной буквы. 1) i see a funny elf and a nice troll. 2) jimmy is an old grandad. 3) it is not a bee, it is an ant. 4) is it lake? no, it is a little pond. 5) i can see a street, a lorry and a bus. 6) is he an old man? no, he isn't

1. there were hundreds of people at the concert. 2. he was a famous explorer. 3. was he in report minority? 4. there wasn't a bookshop in the village. 5. there weren't any medicines in those days. 6. were there computers in your primary school? 7. they were the winning team.

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