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Перевести на язык выражение: "ничто в мире земном не может сравниться по ценности с тем воистину величайшим сокровищем, которым является духовно-нравственное развитие личности." !

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Ответы на вопрос:

"nothing in the earthly world can be compared in value with that truly great treasure, which is the spiritual and moral development of the individual."

1. i will spend my summer holidays in italy. 2. the eagle is flying high, so he can see the earth from the long height. 3. after graduation from the university i am going to be an economist. 4. my friends are having difficult times now, because now is a time of exams. 5. i will be the perfect mom. 6. i will be married with my boyfriend.

Популярно: Английский язык