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Составьте на языке со словами stable, table, cable, battle, bubble, appple

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1) stable she rode the horse back to the  stable. there have been three winners from his  stable  this season. a new model will be added to the car company's  stable  of sedans. 2) table .she reserved a  table  for two at the restaurant. he had the attention of the entire  table. the  table  shows the salary of each employee. .they were sitting at the dining  table. cable . their company supplied  cable  for the project. we need more  cable  to hook up the computers. .the bridge is held up by  cables. 3) battle… that two-day conflict has become one of the most famous  battles  in history. the  battle  continued late into the night. thousands of soldiers were willing to go  into battle  to fight the enemy. a police officer was injured in a gun  battle  that took place last night. the company was involved in a legal  battle  with one of its employees. the never-ending  battle  between good and evil 5) bubble they saw air  bubbles  in the water. there were  bubbles  in the ice. the internet stock  bubble  finally burst. 6)apple . they ate all apples yesterday. the apples fall down from the tree . the apples are delicious good luck.

формы глагола to be в present tense:   am - для i

                                                                    is - he, she, it - ед.число 3 лицо

                                                                    are - мн. число


1.  volkov is   a manager of this company.

2. his  secretary isn't   in time for work.

3. where are the customers ? – they are in the conference – room.

4. i am usually at home on sundays .

5. where are they from ? - he is   from london and she is from paris.

6. what are their terms of payment ?

7. how are the things ? – fine , thank you.

8. why are they abroad ? –they are on business there .

9. are you   ready for the talks ?

10. whose offers are these ? – they are my offers.

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