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Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. 1. sam couldn’t get up at 9 o’clock this morning. he (work) in the internet all night. 2. denny was very proud of his collection of coins which he (collect) since his childhood. 3. fred (wait) for his girlfriend for an hour already when he got an sms: she (get) into a traffic jam. 4. they (discuss) the problem for hours but still could come to any decision. 5. they didn’t want to sell the house which their family (own) for fifty years. 6. we (drive) for a few hours before we saw a service station. 7. when my aunt switched on the tv, her favourite serial (be) on for half an hour already. she was sorry she (miss) half of it. 8. he was coughing all the time. he (drink) cold beer the day before. 9. we decided to make a break. we (work) too long. 10. when i entered the flat, i saw that everything was in a mess. somebody (search) the rooms. 11. the boys had black eyes and torn trousers. they (fight). 12. at last he found the job which he (look for) for so long. 13.she put aside the book she (read). 14. mrs. honey was a very good teacher. she (work) at our school for twenty years. 15. the old woman rose from the chair on which she (sit). 16. john was a computer manager. he (work) for that firm since it was founded. 17.he (be) ill for a week already when i called him.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. sam couldn’t get up at 9 o’clock this morning. he had been working in the internet all night. 2. denny was very proud of his collection of coins which he had been collecting since his childhood. 3. fred had been waiting for his girlfriend for an hour already when he got an sms: she had got into a traffic jam. 4. they had been discussing the problem for hours but still could come to any decision. 5. they didn’t want to sell the house which their family had owned for fifty years. 6. we had been driving for a few hours before we saw a service station. 7. when my aunt switched on the tv, her favourite serial had been on for half an hour already. she was sorry she (had missed) half of it. 8. he was coughing all the time. he (had drunk) cold beer the day before. 9. we decided to make a break. we (had been working) too long. 10. when i entered the flat, i saw that everything was in a mess. somebody (had been searching) the rooms. 11. the boys had black eyes and torn trousers. they (had been fighting). 12. at last he found the job which he (had been looking for) for so long. 13.she put aside the book she (had been reading). 14. mrs. honey was a very good teacher. she (had been working) at our school for twenty years. 15. the old woman rose from the chair on which she (had been sitting). 16. john was a computer manager. he (had been working) for that firm since it was founded. 17.he ( had been ) ill for a week already when i called him.

The eagle is not just a beautiful bird, and not just a mysterious bird. the eagles, especially in slavic mythology, mythical, deified beings. this internet-draft is entirely devoted to these magnificent creatures that deserve attention. we managed to gather in one place the wide variety of information, it symbolically esoteric aspects (mythology, religion, culture) , history, heraldry, and practical points concerning these wonderful birds.  species of eagles: golden eagle, imperial eagle, steppe eagle, greater spotted eagle, bonelli eagle, booted eagle, crested eagle, eagle-african warrior. through our project all the mysteries to solve, and all previously unknown becomes simple and clear. on our portal you can learn about how the eagle became the emblem of russia, which means the bird of the eagle in heraldry. you probably the question arises, how the idea of our website. well, legitimate and deserves an answer. first the idea was to create a portal and dedicate it to someone, what are the eagles, to tell about their habitat, their physical similarities and differences, preferences in the choice of food, habits. the eagle was considered by us solely as a bird. then, the idea arose to complement all this varied and interesting photos. but then, as we know more. the deeper was the acquaintance with these "magical" creatures – eagles, the greater the personal interest of the project authors in search and selection of interesting facts and reality of the "eagle"

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