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Составить сложные предложение в conditional 2 и 3 ( например: если бы я увидел большого паука,я бы убежал) conditional 2 what would you do if you: noticed someone following you? split coffee all over someone? locked yourself out of your house? saw someone cheating in an exam? found a huge spider in your bedroom? conditional 3 what would have happened if: you hadn't done homework for today? you had gone to bed really late last night? you had been born in another country? you had found some money in the street this morning?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iwould be terrified  if i noticed someone following me.i would be embarrassed if i split coffee all over someone\my friend.i would feel helpless if i locked myself out of my house.i would feel perplexed if i saw someone cheating in an exam.i would rush out if i found a huge spider in my bedroom. my teacher would have been dissatisfied with me if i  hadn't done homework for today.i would have been exhausted if i  had gone to bed really late last night.i would have known a foreign language if i had been born in another country.i would have given money to charity if i  had found some money in the street this morning.

1 desk (конторская работа)

2 full-time (полный рабочий день)

3 overtime (сверхурочно)

4 uniform (форма)

5 salary (зарплата)

6 pay rise (повышение заработной платы)

7 deadlines (крайний срок)

8 shift (смена)

9 part-time (неполный рабочий день)

10 freelancer (фрилансер)


Популярно: Английский язык