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Переведите предложения на язык, обращая внимание на употребление present perfect progressive. 1. я не пью кофе три месяца. 2. майк готовит завтрак с тех пор, как окончил школу. 3. мой дед каждый день гуляет с собакой с тех пор, как он вышел на пенсию. 4. наша кошка в течении двух недель ест только рыбу. 5. моих родителей нет дома. они путешествуют уже 10 дней.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i haven't been drinking coffee for 3 months. 2. mike has been cooking breakfast since he left school. 3. my grandfather has been walking my dog  daily since he retired. 4. our cat has only been eating fish for 2 weeks. 5. my parents are not at home. they have already been traveling for ten days.

1.i haven't been drinking coffee for 3 months. 2.mike has been cooking breakfast since he left school. 3.my grandfather has been walking with my dog every day since he retired. 4. our cat has been eating only fish for 2 weeks. 5. my parents are not at home. they have been traveling for ten days.

1. there are three outdoor trip leaders in our part-time staff.

are there three outdoor trip leaders or two cleaners in our part time staff?


2. there is a travel article in this magazine.

is there a travel article or a story in this magazine?


3. there is a car hire agency near the hotel.

is there a car hire agency or supermarket near the hotel?



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