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Раскройте скобки, употребляя герундий. 1. the doctor insisted on (send) the sick man to hospital. 2. he was good at (repair) cars. 3. she was sorry for (come) late. 4. the children ran out the room and began (play). 5. he seemed sorry for (be) rude. 6. the girl had no talent for (dance). 7. after (check) the students’ papers, the teacher handed them back. 8. excuse her for (break) her cup. 9. she was proud of (win) the prize. 10. she accused the boy of (steal) her purse. 11. i don’t mind (open) the window. 12. i objected to my mother (do my room). 13. they enjoy (watch) her dancing. 14. she doesn’t feel like (see) him. 15. she never approved of her daughter (drink) so much coffee.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) sending 2) reparing 3) coming 4) playing 5) being 6) dancing 7) checking 8) breaking 9) winning 10) stealing 11) opening 12) doing my room 13) watching 14)seeing 15) drinking удачи ; )

My cat's name is marquis.he's big ,he's 2years.his white and fluffy fur.he loves to jump and run.he likes to eat meat and drink milk.he has a pink nose,long tail,sharp teeth and claws.he's an evil cat but i love him anyways

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