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Как написать на языке рецепт блинов

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Products milk-0,5 l eggs - 3 pcs. vegetable oil - 1 tbsp + for greasing the pan flour-250 g sugar - 1 tbsp where sea salt-1 a pinch butter - 1 tbsp mix eggs, salt, sugar and mix with a mixer. enter the flour and pour in the milk. whisk the pancake dough to achieve a uniform consistency. photo of recipe preparation: pancakes with milk: traditional recipe-step № 2 next, send the vegetable oil to the dough, so that pancakes at the time of frying can be easily turned over and not burnt. photo of recipe preparation: pancakes with milk: traditional recipe-step № 3 preheat a griddle and brush with oil. photo of recipe preparation: pancakes with milk: traditional recipe-step № 4 pour a small portion of the dough into the center of the pan. immediately rotate the skillet around to get the batter evenly distributed across the surface. photo of recipe preparation: pancakes with milk: traditional recipe-step № 5 fry the pancakes on medium heat on both sides until browning. pancakes are very thin, so turn them gently with a spatula. once the pancake is ready, remove from pans and brush with melted butter, so the edges were not dry and the pancakes turned out delicate. photo of recipe preparation: pancakes with milk: traditional recipe-step № 6 pancakes with milk can be served with jam, jam or condensed milk. bon appétit!

Pancakes recipe вот ответь

1. Can you hear what he is ________?

A) saying B) speaking C) telling D) talking

2. She hasn't come home ________.

A) still B) already C) yet D) till

3. I ________ TV yesterday evening.

A) saw B) looked C) viewed D) watched

4. We live ________ the city centre.

A) near B) next C) by D) nearby

5. She looks ________ a famous film star.

A) as B) like C) similar D) same

6. This television gives you the ________ news.

A) last B) latest C) least D) later

7. I only ________ one mistake in last night's test.

A) made B) done C) did D) make

8. I want you to tell me the ________ truth.

A) all B) exact C) real D) whole

9. He is looking ________ a present to buy his girlfriend.

A) for B) at C) in D) on

10. That's what I would like ________ Christmas.

A) for B) at C) in D) on


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