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30 ! choose the correct answer: 1. there’s no point in to argue/arguing on the question. 2. they look forward to visit/visiting us on christmas. 3. my friend would prefer to make/making a tea break. 4. i remember to drive/driving the car for the first time in my life. 5. we couldn’t help to smile/smiling at charlie chaplin’s comedy. 6. it’s worth to try/trying to make her do bungee jumping. 7. the dog was clever enough not to cross/not crossing the busy street. 8. i tried to open/opening the box but only broke the key. 9. harry gave up to go/going in for sports because of heart disease. 10. the firefighters were lucky to escape/escaping from the burning house. fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets. 1. four years ago there was a terrible in this part of the country. erupt 2. we couldn’t hide our because of his being late again. annoy 3. big ben and the houses of parliament are the most famous attract of london. 4. scientists have discovered the of a new dwarf planet. exist 5. mrs holland gave a very generous to the charity. donate 6. i couldn’t tell the between the twins. differ 7. i can’t stand nigel’s . arrogant 8. if you can’t withdraw money from atm, ask for the assist of a cashier. 9. the manager was shocked by the amount of to his ideas. resist 10. it took months of to arrange her dream wedding. prepare

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,5(78 оценок)

1argueing 2 visiting 3 to make 4 driving 5 smiling 6 trying 7 not to cross 8 to open 9 going 10 to escape 1 eruption 2 annoyance 3 attraction 4 existence 5 donation 6 difference 7 arrogance 8 assistance 9 resistance 10 preparation
4,4(31 оценок)

народная сказка,

различие: нет автора.

примеры: Иван царевич, царевна лягушка.

поэтическая сказка,

различие: написано стихами.

примеры: сказка о мёртвой царевне и 7 богатырях.

прозаическая сказка:

различие: написано прозой.

примеры: аленький цветочек

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