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1. раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в правильной видовременной форме 1. when i met david (be) very tired 2. they (decorate) the house for the party? 3. where is mary? she (go) shopping? 4. - where are your parents? - they_(watch) tv. 5. he usually (go) to university by bus. 6. yesterday at this time she (play) tennis. 7. the students (discuss) the film before they wrote she composition. 8. mary (come) to she party on time yesterday. 9. they (go) to south next summer. 10. he (be) an artist in the past. 11. he (write) a report already. 12. he (pass) all exams by last monday. 2. употребите правильную форму слова. 1. many (cleverness) pupils study in our school. 2. are you sitting (comfort) in that chair? 3. what a (beauty) dress she wears. 4. can you do (regularity) sport exercises to be healthy? 5. think (serious) about it. then do it

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1.was 2.did they decorate 3.is 4.are watching tv 5.goes 6.was playing 7.were discussing 8.came 9.gone 10.was 11.has written 12.passed 2.1/cleverly 2.comfortable 3.beautiful 4.regulary 5.seriously

Вот нашла для 6 класса .the old indian. one day two tourists came to a part of america where they did not see people for many days. at last they met an old indian. he knew everything about the forest, the animals living in it, the weather and many other things. he could speak english. "can you tell us what the weather will be like during the next few days? ” one of the tourists asked him. "oh, yes,” he said. rain is coming and wind. then there will be snow for a day or two, but then the sun will come again and the weather will be fine. it will be very warm. "these old indians didn’t go to school but they know more than we do,” said the man to his friend. then he turned to the old indian. " how do you know all that? ” he asked. the indian answered, "i heard it on the radio”.

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