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Вставьте местоимения who, whose,which he didn’t know sheet of paper it was. 2. we are talking about the book we bought yesterday. 3. i don’t know the man is looking at me. 4. where is the pizza she cooked yesterday? 5. do you know cat it is? 6. i know broke your smartphone. 7. we are discussing the boy won the competition. 8. do you see the elephant has a big red bow? 9. he wonders house it is. 10. the apple-pie i bought is in the fridge.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Who (который, кто), which (который, которого, что), whose (который, которого, чей)  whose which who which whose who which which whose which

1. to

2. in

3. to

4. at

5. to

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