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Сначала нужно перевести, затем вставить глагол в правильную форму. обращай внимание на порядок слов в вопросах. 4. используйте глаголы в скобках в форме present continuous или present simple i exercises twice a week. (to write) my friend his homework in the afternoon as a rule. (to do) my sister her homework now. (to do) don’t shout! the baby . (to sleep) the baby after dinner. (to sleep) you now? (to read) what your literature lessons? (to read) what mother for lunch? (to cook) she cake now? (to cook) — (you, to see) that man over there? — which man? the man in the brown jacket? — no, (to talk) about the man who wear) the blue shirt. — oh, that man! — (you, to know) him? — no, i not to think) so. — i know, not) him either. 5. используйте глаголы в скобках в форме present continuous или present simple my wife normally (work) at home, but she (spend) this month in italy. most days, tom (cycle) to work. the lesson (start) today? what’s your brother doing? he (do) the crossword in the newspaper he (do) it every day. i’m afraid i’ll lose this game of chess. (play) very badly. i usually better (play). what’s she doing? — she (mend) her husband’s socks. she them. (mend) yes, you can borrow my dictionary. i (use) it a lot, but i (not / use) it now. we (not travel) by train very often. she (be) particularly generous this week. it (snow) right now. it’s beautiful! i (like) this weather.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1write2does3doing4is sleeping5sleeps6what are you reading now? 7what books do you does your mother usually cook she cooking a cake now? -10do you see that ,i'm talking about the man who is wearing the blue shirt12do you know him? 13no, i don't think so.14i don't know him either. #5 1.woks, spends2cycles3when does the lesson start4doing5does6play7play8is mending9mends10use, i'm not using it now.11don't travel12is13is snowing14like






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