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Напишите вопрос к предложениям: общий, альтернотивный, специальный, к подлежащему,с хвостиком. плез 1.my sister goes to the cinema on sunday. 2.my parents and i went to the футбол match yesterday. 3.my aunt has visited germany twice.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1does my sister go to the cinema on sunday? my sister goes to the cinema or to the theatre on sunday? who goes to the cinema on sunday? my sister goes to the cinema on sunday, doesn't she? 2did my parents and i go to the football match yesterday? did my parents and i go to the football match or to the hokkey match yesterday? who went to the football match yesterday? my parents and i went to the football match yesterday, didn't we? 3has my aunt visited germany twice? has my aunt or my uncle visited germany twice? who has visited germany twice? my aunt has visited germany twice, hasn't she?

1.i like a piece of bread with butter and (cheese.) 2.ukrainian borsch is made from a (cabbage), (potatoes) and (carrots.) 3. would you like a cup of (tea) or (coffee) ? 4.i don't like (cakes. )they are too sugary for me . 5.my father usually has (ham )sandwich for his breakfast. 6.monkeys like (bananas) very much. 7. (oranges )are round and yummy fruits.

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