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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в present, past or future simple passive: 1. my friends and i (to invite) to the museum yesterday. 2. your luggage (to take) to your room in ten minutes. 3. this meat (to give) to my pet tomorrow. 4. bread and butter (to eat) by my family every day. 5. i (to ask) a lot of questions yesterday. 6. your letter (to send) tomorrow. 7. the test (to write) the day before yesterday. 8. this lecture (to listen) to with great attention. 9. this patient (to operate) next week. 10. these fresh vegetables (to buy) yesterday.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Were invited; will be taken; will be given; is eaten; was asked; will be sent; was written; is listened/was listened; will be operated; were bought

2.We don't have to clean our room

3.You mustn't cry

4. Your friend must talk to you

5. Should I ask the teacher

6.Sophia has to bins the empty

7. We have to ask for permission

8. You shouldn't get angry

9. You should you're say sorry

10. We must help to promise


Мой ответ не точен, я не знаю какого класса это задание, ответила по своим знаниям, проверь если что

Популярно: Английский язык