Составить предложение из слов по анг 1.was,yesterday,late,his sister,for work,morning 2.open,last sunday,were,the shops 3.at the school sports ground,were,yesterday,after school,the boys 4.was,the day bofore yesterday,mary ill 5.thirsty,yesterday,the kittens,evening,were 6.sixteen,george,last,was,year. 7.were,an hour ago,on the sofa ,the toys 8.five minutes ago,was,in the kitchen,she

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. his sister was late for work yesterday morning. 2. the shops were open last sunday. 3. the boys were at the school sports ground after school yesterday. 4. mary was ill before the day yesterday. 5. the kittens were thirsty yesterday evening. 6. george was sixteen last year. 7. the toys were on the sofa an hour ago. 8. she was in the kitchen five minutes ago.

1. i remembered his name after a few minutes. 2. last person who leaves the room must light off the switch. 3. i'm going to london for a few days next week. 4. many of us still believe that we must have eight hours of sleep a night in order to be healthy. 5. neither john nor peter knows the best way to the station.

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