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Эссе на тему стоит ли держать дома диких животных?

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All the animals in the world can be divided into domestic and exotic groups. domestic animals or pets usually live on a farm very close to people. this includes dogs, cats, horses, roosters, sheep, etc. exotic or wild animals live in forests, savannahs, jungles, deserts, mountains. they are used to living in the wild. ideally, each animal should live in its natural habitat, not in the zoo or circus. i sympathize with the wild animals that live in cages. it means that fast cheetahs can’t run around, proud eagles can’t fly as high as they want to, hippos can’t stay in water as much as they like. basically, kept in captivity, exotic animals can’t roam or show their natural instincts. it has lately become popular to keep exotic animals as pets. people purchase snakes, peacocks, tigers, monkeys, crocodiles, poisonous spiders and put them in cages or aquariums. in my opinion, it’s a real torture for poor animals. from the other hand, there are certain exotic animals, which can be kept in domestic conditions. for example, hamsters, turtles, lizards, parrots, mini-monkeys called marmosets. such animals can feel comfortable in houses. besides, they bring so much happiness to kids. unfortunately, there are some disadvantages of keeping exotic animals. firstly, they can be unpredictable and unfriendly sometimes. for example, i’ve heard of a case when parrot bit its owner’s finger. secondly, they can carry dangerous bacteria. it is especially true about mice and hamsters. thirdly, it can be hard to take care of them. and, finally, owning some exotic animals as pets can be against the law.

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